Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Serge Reggiani - Votre fille a vingt ans

Votre fille a vingt ans, que le temps passe vite
Madame, hier encore elle était si petite
Et ses premiers tourments sont vos premières rides
Madame, et vos premiers soucis

Chacun de ses vingt ans pour vous a compté double
Vous connaissiez déjà tout ce qu'elle découvre
Vous avez oublié les choses qui la troublent
Madame, et vous troublaient aussi

On la trouvait jolie et voici qu'elle est belle
Pour un individu presque aussi jeune qu'elle
Un garçon qui ressemble à celui pour lequel
Madame, vous aviez embelli

Ils se font un jardin d'un coin de mauvaise herbe
Nouant la fleur de l'âge en un bouquet superbe
Il y a bien longtemps qu'on vous a mise en gerbes
Madame, le printemps vous oublie

Chaque nuit qui vous semble à chaque nuit semblable
Pendant que vous rêvez vos rêves raisonnables
De plaisir et d'amour ils se rendent coupables
Madame, au creux du même lit

Mais coupables jamais n'ont eu tant d'innocence
Aussi peu de regrets et tant d'insouciance
Qu'ils ne demandent même pas votre indulgence
Madame, pour leurs tendres délits

Jusqu'au jour où peut-être à la première larme
A la première peine d'amour et de femme
Il ne tiendra qu'à vous de sourire Madame
Madame, pour qu'elle vous sourie...


Serge Reggiani - Il suffirait de presque rien

Il suffirait de presque rien
Peut-être dix années de moins
Pour que je te dise "Je t'aime"
Que je te prenne par la main
Pour t'emmener à Saint-Germain
T'offrir un autre café-crème

Mais pourquoi faire du cinéma
Fillette allons regarde-moi
Et vois les rides qui nous séparent
A quoi bon jouer la comédie
Du vieil amant qui rajeunit
Toi même ferais semblant d'y croire

Vraiment de quoi aurions-nous l'air
J'entends déjà les commentaires
"Elle est jolie, comment peut-il encore lui plaire
Elle au printemps, lui en hiver"

Il suffirait de presque rien
Pourtant personne tu le sais bien
Ne repasse par sa jeunesse
Ne sois pas stupide et comprends
Si j'avais comme toi vingt ans
Je te couvrirais de promesses

Allons bon voilà ton sourire
Qui tourne à l'eau et qui chavire
Je ne veux pas que tu sois triste
Imagine ta vie demain
Tout à côté d'un clown en train
De faire son dernier tour de piste

Vraiment de quoi aurais-tu l'air
J'entends déjà les commentaires
"Elle est jolie, comment peut-il encore lui plaire
Elle au printemps, lui en hiver"

C'est un autre que moi demain
Qui t'emmènera à St-Germain
Prendre le premier café crème
Il suffisait de presque rien
Peut-être dix années de moins
Pour que je te dise "Je t'aime"


Thursday, September 25, 2008

Lââm - Jamais loin de toi

Paroles de la chanson
Ouh, ouh, ouh
Tu viens comme dans un rêve
Et tu t'endors tout contre moi
Comme le jour qui se lève
Dans mon cœur quand j'ai un peu froid
Tu souris et rien n'est plus tendre alors
Que le vent et la pluie
Qui glissent sur ton corps

Oh, oh
Si la nuit te fait peur
Seul tout au fond de ton cœur
Si tu cherches un ami, pense à moi
Je n'serai jamais loin de toi
Et même, si c'est toutes les nuits
Si je dois passer ma vie
A te consoler, je serai là
Je n'serai jamais jamais loin de toi

Tu vis comme dans mon rêve
Tu te réveilles tout contre moi
Chaque jour qui se lève
Me fait douter mais tu es là
A jamais, dans mes joies, dans mes désirs
Pour toujours, je voudrais caresser ton sourire

Et même, si tu cries, si tu pleures
Même si les hommes te font peur
Si leur folie t'enchaîne les bras
Je n'serai jamais loin de toi
Et même, si demain tu m'oublies
Si tu rêves d'une autre vie
Tu peux partir là où tu voudras
Je n'serai jamais jamais loin de toi

Ouh, oh, oh, oh, oh

Si la nuit te fait peur
Seul tout au fond de ton cœur
Si tu cherches un ami, pense a moi
Je n'serai jamais loin de toi
Et même, si demain tu m'oublies
Si tu rêves d'une autre vie
Tu peux partir où tu voudras
Je n'serai jamais jamais jamais jamais loin de toi
Ah, ah, non, non, non, non, non
Là où tu voudras
Jamais jamais loin de toi... Ah, ah, ah, ah
No, no, oh, oh
Tu peux partir là où tu voudras
Je n'serai jamais jamais loin de toi


Thursday, September 18, 2008

Shy'm - Rêves d'enfants


Et c'est dans l'amertume
que ma journée s'achève
seule dans mon lit je t'appelle
encore le répondeur
et ta voix qui me rappelle
que c'est mon seul moyen de te dire je t'aime
j'ai l'impression que l'on n'existe plus
j'ai peur que tu ne te souviennes plus
de mon nom de ma voix
nos envies tous les deux de notre histoire
je sais que

jamais je n'aurai cru pouvoir aimer autant
j'ai choisi de vivre mon rêve d'enfant
jamais je n'aurai cru pouvoir t'aimer autant
mais j'ai choisi de vivre mon rêve d'enfant
mais j'espère simplement que tu comprends

si tu savais ce que je vis
tous les jours toutes les nuits
déchirée par un vent de peine
je sais que je t'ai fait mal mais j'ai mal aussi
j'ai dû tourner le dos a l'homme que j'aime
je voudrais tant te garder que pour moi
pouvoir encore te serrer contre moi
c'est egoïste je le sais
mais je ne peux m'empêcher de le penser
je sais que

jamais je n'aurai cru pouvoir aimer autant
j'ai choisi de vivre mon rêve d'enfant
jamais je n'aurai cru pouvoir t'aimer autant
j'ai choisi de vivre mon rêve d'enfant
mais j'espère simplement que tu comprends
j'espère simplement que tu m'attends


Shy'm - Le blues de toi

Sourire au reveil,nuit de rêve,
un parfum,je me rappelle,
souvenir qui revient,
pour quelques lignes d'une histoire,l'air d'un refrain...
je sais que je t'avais dit
que l'on s'en parlerait,
mais je n'ai pas trouvé les mots baby
j'avais que mes larmes pour pleurer.
et c'est vrai qu'on s'était dit :jamais l'un sans l'autre ?
t'en souviens-tu baby?c'est de ma faute.

je vis avec mes souvenirs
d'une voix,d'un visage,d'un sourire.
et dire que je n'ai pas su t'aimer,non,
mais babyj'ai le blues de toi,le blues de toi.
je vis dans le regret
d'avoir tout abandonner...
et dire que je n'ai pas su t'ecrire,non,
ce soir j'ai le blues de toi , le blues de toi

me dire que peut être
tout ca ne sert a rien;
mes mots se perdront dans le vent.
et te dire que je regrette
au moins ,ca ma permis
de pouvoir penser à toi un instant.

je sais que je m'étais dit
que je t'oublierai,
mais je n'ai pas choisi d'y penser baby,
de me voir pleine de regrets.
c'est vrai qu'on s'était dit:
jamais l'un sans l'autre
je m'en souviens baby, c'est de ma faute.



Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Zazie - ça

On oublie les adresses
Comme les gens qui nous blessent
On oublie sans cesse
Les jours d'anniversaires et nos clefs, les repères, on les perd
On oubliera les chaînes de nos vies qui se traînent
On oublie quand même
Mais il est une chose à laquelle nous resterons fidèle

Les yeux, la voix, les mains, les mots d'amour ça reste là
Le jour et l'heure, la peau, l'odeur, l'amour ça reste là
C'est fort encore
C'est mort d'accord
Mais ça ne s'oublie pas
Ne s'oublie pas, ça
On n'oublie pas

J'oublierai ce mois d'août où j'ai dû faire la route sans toi
Sans doute
J'oublierai ma défaite et le rêve qui s'arrête
J'oublierai peut-être
Mis j'y pense encore quelque fois et ça ne s'explique pas
S'explique pas

Tes yeux, ta voix, tes mains sur moi, toujours ça reste là
Le jour et l'heure, ta peau, l'odeur, l'amour ça reste là
C'est fort encore
C'est mort d'accord
Mais ça ne s'oublie pas
Ne s'oublie pas, ça
Je n'oublie pas

Les yeux, la voix, tes mains sur moi, les mots d'amour ça reste là
Le jour et l'heure, la peau, l'odeur, l'amour c'est là
On n'oublie pas

Les yeux, la voix, tes mains sur moi, les mots d'amour
Ca reste là
On n'oublie pas
Ca ne s'oublie pas

Le jour et l'heure, la peau, l'odeur, l'amour c'est là
On n'oublie pas
Ca ne s'oublie pas

Les yeux, la voix, tes mains sur moi, les mots d'amour
Ca reste là
On n'oublie pas
Je ne t'oublie pas

Le jour et l'heure, la peau, l'odeur, l'amour c'est là
On n'oublie pas
Je ne t'oublierai jamais


La Grande Sophie -T'es Comment

La Grande Sophie -T'es Comment


La Grande Sophie - Un jour heureuse

Elle se lève
Boit un thé
Dix heure
Il est déjà tard

Des milliers
De gens
Sortent des gares

Elle me dit je reste chez moi
Non je n'suis pas une paréseuse
Mais la vie ne lui montre pas
Qu'elle pourrait-être ... un jour heureuse

Elle rêve
D'une vie
Si longue
Si délicieuse

Sans regret
ni monotonie
Elle est
Trop ambitieuse

Aujourd'hui elle a fait un choix
Elle prend son temps elle est curieuse
Elle veut comprendre ce qui n'va pas
Et pouvoir être ... un jour heureuse

Elle se contente de peu
Elle ne prend pas au sérieux
Les attaques les méduisances
Qui viennent de loin

Elle se pose des questions
Elle est remplis d'obsessions
Que va t'elle devenir
Que va t'elle devenir

Elle a des étoiles dans les yeux
Elle a du soleil dans la voie
On n'fais pas toujours ce qu'on veut
Elle voudrait être ... un jour heureuse


Renan Luce - Mes Racines

Mes racines sont profondes
Eles ont traversé l'onde
Et perforé la pierre
D'une fin de terre
Elles ont tissé leur toile
Sous un ciel sans étoiles
Et nettoyé par le vent
Attirée par devant
Ô ma presqu'île accrochée
Par quelques vieux rochers
Je garde une boussole
Pour rev'nir sur mes pas
Souv'nir du ras du sol
Quand je ne marchais pas

Mes racines sont vivantes
Comme dans ces terres arides
Elles cherchent la suivante
Quand une nappe est vide
Elles forcent mon voyage
Qu'importe où et quand
Mon existence péage
"Carte moins de vingt cinq ans"
Les sandwichs sur le pouce
Les amphis à l'index
Tous ces mots dans la bouche
Le corps comme un silex
Pour peu que l'on te touche
L'étincelle qui reste

Et mes racines grandissent
Une rencontre et puis dix
Un regard et puis cent
Je regarde impuissant
Le chemin que dessinent
Pour demain mes racines

Mes racines sont sonores
Et leurs échos opposent
Une vague - falaise nord -
Un Airbus - ville rose -
Mes racines sont tactiles
Reconnaissent à tâtons
La douceur du pistil
Le rugueux du béton
La peau fine des filles
Les griffes d'un chaton
Mes racines olfactives
Gardent précieusement
L'odeur de la lessive
Dans les jupes de Maman

Mes racines sont "famille"
P't'être pas assez souvent
Pourtant mon coeur fourmille
Toujours pareillement
De "Toc toc" à mon mur
"Viens dormir avec moi"
De cueillettes de mûres
De cabanes dans les bois
De vacances tous les cinq
"Crème solaire, pelle et seau"
C'est à vous que je trinque
Avec le verre bien haut
A la prochaine étreinte
Je vous attends bientôt

Et mes racines grandissent
Une rencontre et puis dix
Un regard et puis cent
Je regarde impuissant
Le chemin que dessinent
Pour demain
Mes racines grandissent
Une rencontre et puis dix
Un regard et puis cent
Je regarde impuissant
Le chemin que dessinent
Pour demain mes racines
Mes racines
Mes racines
Mes racines


Renan Luce - Je Suis Une Feuille

Aurais-je imaginé que je trouverai là
Une mine de stylo plantée sur ma peau oh oh
Les yeux de mon bourreau qui ne me quittent pas
Ma blancheur lui fais peur je sais qu'il cherche ses mots oh oh
Je suis une feuille blanche je ne demandais rien
Qu'à rester sur mon arbre et attendre la fin
Moi j'aimais le vent se perdant dans les feuilles
Et le murmure de la sève qui lui donnait la vie
Moi j'aimais la hauteur que j'avais sur les choses
Je n'ai pas vu venir la lame qui m'a trahis
Si au moins je servais de papiers officiels
Pour signer des traités et proteger les faibles
Ou etre dans les mains d'un poète oublié
Qui me jeterai des vers comme on cherche un ami

J'aurais pu etre préssée sur le coeur d'une enfant
Ecoutant dans mes lignes la voix de son amant
être le pliage d'un gamin de huit ans
Et voler dans les airs sous les rires des enfants
être dans les pages d'un livre d'histoire
Qui dit que le chemin est encore tellement long

Mais voila que je sens que la plume me frole
Et les lettres se forment comme l'encre tourbillonne
J'n'ai jamais vu plus lourd que le poids de ces mots
C'est la misere d'un homme que je sens sur mon dos
Il dit je veux finir d'avec ma vie
Pardonne moi mon amour mais je m'arrete ici
Ce n'est pas de ta faute si je baisse les bras
Mais j'ai perdu ma chance de gagner ici bas
Et moi c'etait mon role de porter tous ces mots
Et les larmes d'une femme tomberons sur moi bientôt

J'aurais pu être pressée sur le coeur d'une enfant
Ecoutant dans mes lignes la voix de son amant
Ou etre le pliage d'un gamin de huit ans
Et voler dans les airs sous les rires des enfants
Mais je tourne la page d'une triste histoire
Qui dit que le chemin n'etait pas tellement long
Pas tellement long...


Monday, September 8, 2008

Chris Brown - Superhuman Lyrics

I have been crying and crying for weeks
How'd i survive when i can barely speak
Barely eat, On my knees

But thats the moment u came to me
I don't know what your love has done to me
Think i'm invisible
I see though the me i used to be

You changed my whole life
Don't know what your doing to me with your love
I'm feeling all super human, you did that to me
Super human, heart beating me
Now the thing has got me here with you
Super human
Since i've been flying and righting the wrongs
Feels almost like i've had it all along
And i can see tomorrow

Where is problem is gone because
I flew everywhere but love inside of me
Its unbelievable to see how love can set me free

You changed my whole life
Don't know what your doing to me with your love
I'm feeling all super human, you did that to me
Super human, heart beating me
Now the thing has got me here with you
Super human

Its not a bird, not a plane
Its my heart and its going, gone away
My only weakness is you
Only reason is you
Every minute with you
I can feel like i can do anything
Going going, i'm gone away in love

You changed my whole life
Don't know what your doing to me with your love
I'm feeling all super human, you did that to me
Super human, heart beating me
Now the thing has got me here with you
Super human

Super human


Sunday, September 7, 2008

Jordin Sparks . Chris Brown - No Air (Lyrics)

[Jordin Sparks]

Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no air

If I should die before I wake
It's 'cause you took my breath away
Losing you is like living in a world with no air

[Chris Brown]
I'm here alone, didn't wanna leave
My heart won't move, it's incomplete
wish there was a way that I can make you understand

[Jordin Sparks]
But how do you expect me
to live alone with just me
'Cause my world revolves around you
It's so hard for me to breathe

Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no air
Can't live, can't breathe with no air
That´s how I feel whenever you ain't there
that's no air, no air
Got me out here in the water so deep
Tell me how you gonna be without me
If you ain't here, I just can't breathe
there's no air, no air

No air, air[ohhh]
No air, air[nooo]
No air, air[oh a]
No air, air

[Chris Brown]
I walked, I ran, I jumped, I flew
Right off the ground to float to you
There's no gravity to hold me down for real

[Jordin Sparks]
But somehow I'm still alive inside
You took my breath, but I survived
I don't know how, but I don't even care

So how do you expect me
to live alone with just me
'Cause my world revolves around you
It's so hard for me to breathe

Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no air
Can't live, can't breathe with no air
there's how I feel whenever you ain't there
there's no air, no air
Got me out here in the water so deep
Tell me how you gonna be without me
If you ain't here, I just can't breathe
there's no air, no air

No air, air[oohhh]
No air, air[oohhh]
No air, air[nooo]
No air, air[No more]
It's no air, no air

ohhhhh baby
ooohhhhh It's no air, no air
Hey [ohh] no aiiiiir [ohhh]

Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no air
Can't live, can't breathe with no air
It's how I feel whenever you ain't there
no breathing[no breathing]
Got me out here in the water so deep
Tell me how you gonna be without me
If you ain't here, I just can't breathe
It's no air, no air

Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no air
Can't live, can't breathe with no air
It's how I feel whenever you ain't there
it's no air no air
Got me out here in the water so deep

Tell me how you gonna be without me

If you ain't here, I just can't breathe

It's no air, no air
No air, air[ohhh]
No air, air
No air, air
No air, air


Chris Brown - Run It Remix Lyrics

Run ... Run
Run Run Run

[Jermaine Dupri]
Clap your hands (RUN)
Yall know what this is

[Bow Wow]
Now lil mama just break it down
For the boy Bow Wow & that boy Chris Brown
All I wanna do is see you take it to the ground, bring it up slow
Twurk that thang like them girls in the videos
And I`m leavin here with somethin
I come wit dat good game baby girl I aint frontin
I got that Bentley GT parked outside
So scream at a nigga when your ready to ride
Come on

[Chris Brown]
Let me talk to you
Tell you how it is
I was thinkin when I saw that body gotta get shawty
Tell her what the young boy gon do
Damn them chicks wit chu gotta be your kin
Babe pretty thick wit the kick that's sick that need to be hit
So tell me what ya'll gon do

I got friends, and you got friends
They hop out, and you hop in
I look fly, and they jockin
The way you drop, drop makes me wanna pop [2x]

Is ya man (hey)
on the flo? (oh)
If he ain't...
Let me know (let me know)
Let me see if you can run it, run it
girl indeed I can run it, run it [2x]

(Chris come on man ... )
[Chris Brown]
You'll see
Girl I can set you off
Don't believe my age is gonna slow us down
I can definitly show you things
that's gon have you sayin I can't be 16 (ohhh)
Once I get in you won't wanna go
(and I...)
I'll have yo girls wishin they were you
(and I...)
I know your heard about me, but guess what's goin down if we leave

I got friends, and you got friends (word)
They hop out, and you hop in (word)
I look fly, and they jockin (worrrd?)
The way you drop, drop makes me wanna pop [2x]

Is ya man on the flo?
If he ain't...
Let me know
Let me see if you can run it, run it
girl indeed I can run it, run it [2x]

(Lets take it to the bridge ... )

Girl you feel right
(Feel right)
Make me feel like...
(feel like...)
I wanna do a little somethin
(do a little somethin)
Ain't no thing let you do it fo sho
Girl the way that your wearin them jeans is turnin me on
I'm the hottest thing thats in these streets so baby won't you rock me...

(Bow Wow holla at em ...)

[Bow Wow]
Now if ya man aint on the flo then i`ma step in
Replace him
Tell yo friends
After party at my spot
Shawty gotta come back cuz she so hot
Now we lookin for them grown girls that aint scared to get to it
Know what to do when we drop that music (right)
Lil mini skirts cuz she lookin good
Got different color weaves mayne she so hood
I like em thick in the waist (uhh)
Ten in the face
The girls come to us so we dont chase
She move her booty like a lowrider.... up... down
Man she likes the way that I puts it down
And aint nothin to a G i do this on the daily
You dont believe me you can ask JD (yea man you can ask me)
And it aint no second guessin mayne
Matter fact babygirl I got one question now

[Chorus 2x]

(Right about now I need everyone to get to the dance floor)


Chris Brown - Excuse me miss lyrics

[Verse 1:]
Tell me fellas have you seen her? (Seen her)
It was about five minutes ago
When I seen the hottest chick
That a young'n
Never seen before

I said Yo,
Tell her girls I want to meet her (meet her)
On second thought that ain't the way to go
I got give her game proper
Spit it so she'll get it
There she is I got to stop her

Or should I talk about her smile? (It's been said before)
Or what about her style? (Too obvious)
I'm out of time
She's out the door
I got to go for mine

I think I'll say

I dont know your name but excuse me miss
I saw you from across the room
And I got to admit that you got my attention
You're making me want to say yo

I know you're trying to leave but excuse me miss
I saved the last dance for you
How I love to keep you here with me oh baby

[Verse 2:]
Now shorty grab hold of my hand
And let's pretend the floor is ours
You say you don't really dance

Don't worry about it
We'll just 1,2 step
1,2 step

Now if the music is moving too fast
Grab my hand a little tighter (tighter)
Don't be afraid to move a little closer

Girl, there is something about you that makes me want to say

[Chorus (2x):]
I don't know your name but excuse me miss
I saw you from across the room

And I got to admit that you got my attention
You're making me want to say yo

I know you're trying to leave but excuse me miss
I saved the last dance for you
How I love to keep you here with me oh baby

I want to be where you are
Ain't nothing wrong with dancing

Baby it's so romantic

Baby I can be in your heart

So many things I want to tell you
I think that I should start by saying Yo

I don't know your name but excuse me miss
I saw you from across the room

I got to give her game proper
Spit it so she get it
There she is- I got to stop her

I know your trying to leave but excuse me miss
I saved the last dance for you
How I love to keep you here with me oh baby

Now everbody just clap your hands like this(like this)
Just clap your hands like this (whoo like this)

And if your shorty in the house tonight
Just grab her by the hand homie
Make her understand yall was made to dance like this (like this)

Yall was made to bounce like this (whoa like this)

Just let her know she was made for you.

And you want to do everything she want to man.




Chris Brown - Say Goodbye lyrics

Baby come here and sit down, let's talk
I got a lot to say so I guess I'll start by
Saying that I love you,
But you know, this thing ain't been
No walk in the park for us
I swear it'll only take a minute
You'll understand when I finish, yeah
And I don't wanna see you cry
But I don't wanna be the one to tell you a lie so

How do you let it go? When you,
You just don't know? What's on,
The other side of the door
When you're walking out, talk about it
Everything I tried to remember to say
Just went out my head
So I'ma do the best I can to get you to understand
Cuz I know!!

There's never a right time to say goodbye
But I gotta make the first move
'Cause if I don't you gonna start hating me
Cause I really don't feel the way I once felt about you
Girl it's not you, it's me
I kinda gotta figure out what I need
There's never a right time to say goodbye
But we know that we gotta go
Our separate ways
And I know it's hard but I gotta do it,
And it's killing me
Cause there's never a right time
Right time to say goodbye

But I know your heart is breaking
And a thousand times I
Found myself asking, "Why? Why?"
Why am I taking so long to say this?
But trust me, girl I never
Meant to crush your world
And I never
Though I would see the day we grew apart
And I wanna know

How do you let it go? When you,
You just don't know? What's on,
The other side of the door
When you're walking out, talk about it
Girl I hope you understand
What I'm tryna say.
We just can't go on
Pretending that we get along
Girl how you not gonna see it?

There's never a right time to say goodbye
But I gotta make the first move
'Cause if I don't you gonna start hating me
Cause I really don't feel the way I once felt about you
Girl it's not you it's me.
I kinda gotta figure out what I need
There's never a right time to say goodbye
But we know that we gotta go
Our separate ways
And I know it's hard but I gotta do it,
And it's killing me
Cause there's never a right time
Right time to say goodbye

Listen to your heart
Girl you know,
We should be apart, baby I
I just can't do it
I, I just can't do it
Listen to your heart
Girl you know,
We should be apart, baby I
I just can't do it
And sometimes it makes me wanna cry
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh [2x]
Do you hear me crying?
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh [2x]

There's never a right time to say goodbye
But I gotta make the first move
'Cause if I don't you gonna start hating me
Cause I really don't feel the way I once felt about you
Girl it's not you it's me.
I gotta gotta figure out what I need
There's never a right time to say goodbye
But we know that we gotta go
Our separate ways
And I know it's hard but I gotta do it,
And it's killing me
Cause there's never a right time
Right time to say goodbye

There's never a right time to say goodbye
But I gotta make the first move
'Cause if I don't you gonna start hating me
Cause I really don't feel the way I once felt about you
Girl it's not you it's me.
I gotta gotta figure out what I need
There's never a right time to say goodbye
But we know that we gotta go
Our separate ways
And I know it's hard but I gotta do it,
And it's killing me
Cause there's never a right time
Right time to say


Chris Brown - Take You Down lyrics


Here We Are,
All alone in this room (Ooh)
And Girl I Know,
Where to start & what we're Gonna dooo
I'll take my time
We'll be all night girl
So get ready babe,
I got plans for me and you (Wooah)

It Ain't my first time but babygurl we can pretend (HEY! )
Lets bump & grind
Gurl, tonight will never end

Let Me Take You Down
I Really Wanna Take You Down
And Show You What I'm About
Can I take you now,
Ya Body body Ooh
Your body body up and dooown
So don't Stop
Girl get it
Quit playin Wit It
Can't Waaait Nooo mooore
I Wanna Take you down
I really wanna take you down,
Take you down (YEAH, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah)

Pretty Girl let's take it off,
In this roooom
No time to waist
Girl you know what we came to dooooo (WoahaWoahaWoah)
We Got All Night To Try To Get It Right Girl
(Hope ya ready, hope ya ready, hope ya ready)
I Hope Ya Ready Babe,
Cuz Here We Go,
We Know How We Do (Hoooo)

It Ain't my first time but babygurl we can pretend (HEY! )
Lets bump & grind
Gurl, tonight will never end

Let Me Take You Down
I Really Wanna Take You Down
And Show You What I'm About
Can I take you now,
Ya Body body Ooh
Body body up and dooown
So don't Stop
Girl get it
Quit playin Wit It
Can't Waaait Noo mooore(I can't Wait No More)
I Wanna Take you down
I really wanna take you down,
(I Really Wanna)take you down (YEAH)

Freakin' now Baby
Like a Pro Baby
And I Bet That You...
Think you know baby
Like a Pro Baby
So What Ya Wanna Do?
I'm Gonna Take It Down Baby Nice & Slow...
So Bring It Let's Go
BABY! (Baby, Baby)(Yeah, Yeah)
(Baby, Baby, Baby)
Come On Baby, Come On Baby
Let Me Taaaaake...
Let Me Take You Down (YOU DOWN! )
I Really Wanna take you down
(Let Me Show You)
(Let Me Do It To You Like I Wanna Do)
Can I take you now,
Ya Body body(Woah)ya body body body Up And Down
(Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah)
So don't Stop Girl get it,
Quit Playin wit it
Can't wait no More(I can't Wait No Moore)
I Wanna take you down,
I really wanna take you down
Take You Down (Yeah)
Take You Down
(Woah, Woah)I Said I wanna take you down (Babe, Yeah)
Let Me Take you down
(Take You)
Take You (All The Way) Down
All The Way Down
We Can Do Some Things (On The Way Down)
Take You Down (Woah, Woah)


Chris Brown - All I Wanna Do Lyrics


[ Sigh ] Look.. I know we've been friends for a while
now.. But, I just feel like I can confess
to you.. It's gonna be hard but.. Alright here it goes...

Verse 1:

Imagine that the pillow that you cried on was my
chest, and the tissue that you wiped your
face with was my hand
Girl imagine if you needed advice about some other
guy, I'm the one that comes to mind
Not tryna' hear you tell nobody that I'm just a friend,
just trying to make sure I'm that body
that you call your man, and anytime you need a
shoulder, It's Yours night and day, but what I'm
tryna' say is, I wanna be...


The last number you call late at night,
first one that you dial when you open your eyes...
Wanna be the one you run to, wanna be one that ain't
gon' hurt you, I wanna be him, I wanna be
Be the man makin yo girls jealous, be the guy
that's shuttin' down all the fellas..
whatever you need, girls it's all me.. Your soldier
your friend or your lover, girl, I wanna

Verse 2:

Would it be cool, would you mind if I called you ma
boo, what if the next whip you was pushin'
was the one I bought for you?
Can I be the one that meets your pops and take your mama
shoppin', i'll be the only one they like.
Have you thought about it, wait, really thought about
it? Maybe you should take some time call
your girls and talk about it, yeah.
Cuz' I done already made up my mind, don't need no more
time to know if I wanna be with you, I
wanna be...

Chorus :
The last number you call late at night, first one that you dial when you open your eyes...
Wanna be the one you run to, wanna be one that ain't
gon' hurt you, I wanna be him, I wanna be
Be the man makin yo girls jealous, be the guy
that's shuttin' down all the fellas..
whatever you need, girls it's all me.. Your soldier
your friend or your lover, girl, I wanna

Verse 3:

Put me on your screen saver, all over your myspace
and, make me one of your top favorites,
that's where I wanna be... The one you cryin' for,
(stayed up all night fightin' for) wanna be
your good, bad, love, hey girlll..


Cross my heart hope to die, on everything that's good,
I'mma do you right, show you right, get
this understood. Cross my heart hope to die, on
everything thats good, I'mma do you right
show you right, get this understood...


The last number you call late at night, first one that you dial when you open your eyes...
Wanna be the one you run to, wanna be one that ain't
gon' hurt you, I wanna be him, I wanna be
Be the man makin yo girls jealous, be the guy
that's shuttin' down all the fellas..
whatever you need, girls it's all me.. Your soldier
your friend or your lover, girl, I wanna


Chris Brown - Aint no way Lyrics

Ay, can I talk to you for a minute?
You new around here?

Girl ain't no way, I won't let you down.
If you let me I will show you how, (I like what I see).

Ain't no way (ain't no way),
I'm gone let you down (let you down).
I know it's hard right now (hard right now),
To say yes to me.

But I'm gone make you say you love me.
The way (girl the way), you look to me now (to me now).
We need to get down (let's get down),
You don't know but.
I'm gone make you say you love me girl.

[Verse 1:]
I ain't never fell for a girl like you (like you).
With jeans and a body that curves like you (like you).
I don't really care what they say, when it comes to a difference of age.
I can show you all the things I'll do.
Break your heart, never raise my voice.
Girl let down your guard.
I know it's a lot to ask trust in me, but I can make a difference right now you'll see.
Shorty tell me why you tryna keep all the goodies from me?
Can't you see what you holding me, that does to me.
Everytime you walk pass,

[Chorus: Repeat 1x]

[Verse 2:]
For a minute can you just think about us two?
Swerving in my 645 SU, me leaning over the seat.
I'm passing you your own set of keys, showing you just how the teen got you.
Trust and believe these words, from me been said before.
Tricking ain't my M-O.But girl you represent everything,
That Chris is about so shawty please.
Shawty tell me why you tryna keep all the goodies from me?
Can't you see what you holding me, that does to me.
Everytime you walk pass,oh.

[Chorus: Repeat 1x]

For you girl, I'll buy you anything,
Just to have you close to me.
Cause you know ya loving is off the wall.
Can't nothing come about, we'll take it slow.
I ain't like the ones' ya know.
I'm gonna make ya love me all night long.

[Chorus: Repeat 1x]
[music fades out....]


Saturday, September 6, 2008

Elliott Yamin - Wait For You lyrics

I never felt nothing in the world like this before
Now I’m missing you and I’m wishing you would come back through my door
Why did you have to go?
You could have let me know; so now I’m all alone

Girl you could have stayed but you wouldn’t give me a chance
With you not around it’s a little bit more than I can stand
And all my tears they keep runnin’ down my face
Why did you turn away?

So why does your pride make you run and hide
Are you that afraid of me?
But I know it’s a lie what you keep inside
This is not how you want it to be

So baby I will wait for you
Cause I don’t know what else I can do
Don’t tell me I ran out of time
If it takes the rest of my life

Baby I will wait for you
If you think I find it just ain’t true
I really need you in my life
No matter what I have to do
I’ll wait for you

Been a long time since you called me
How could you forget about me
You gotta be feeling crazy
How can you walk away
When Everything stays the same
I just can’t do it baby

What will it take to make you come back
Girl I told you what it is and it just ain’t like that
Why can’t you look at me?
You’re still in love with me
Don’t leave me crying

Baby why can’t we just start all over again
Get it back to the way it was
If you give me a chance I can love you right
But you’re telling me it won’t be enough

So baby I will wait for you
Cause I don’t know what else I can do
Don’t tell me I ran out of time
If it takes the rest of my life

Baby I will wait for you
If you think I find it just ain’t true
I really need you in my life
No matter what I have to do
I’ll wait for you

So why does your pride make you run and hide
Are you that afraid of me?
But I know it’s a lie what you’re keeping inside
That is not how you want it to be

Baby I will wait for you
Baby I will wait for you
If it’s the last thing I do

Baby I will wait for you
Cause I don’t know what else I can do
Don’t tell me I ran out of time
If it takes the rest of my life

Baby I will wait for you
If you think I find it just ain’t true
I really need you in my life
No matter what I have to do
I’ll wait for you
I’ll be waiting …


Friday, September 5, 2008

Elliott Yamin - Warm Me Up Lyrics

It’s snowing on this cold December
And it’s just me and you
You know we belong together
All that I do
You know I’m true

Come warm me up
It’s cold outside
Let’s bundle up by the fire
Come warm me up
It’s Christmastime
I want to know what’s your desire

This holiday we’ll celebrate
With candlelight and champagne
So come a little closer, baby
I’ve got something for you
Won’t stop until we’re through

Come warm me up
It’s cold outside
Let’s bundle up by the fire
Come warm me up
It’s Christmastime
I want to know what’s your desire

Kiss me
Underneath the mistletoe
I need you to know
I’m not going anywhere
I’ll never leave
You, you know it’s true
On this Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve for you

Come warm me up
It’s cold outside
Let’s bundle up by the fire
Come warm me up
It’s Christmastime
I want to know what’s your desire


Elliott Yamin - Sign Your Name Lyrics

Fortunately you have
Somebody who relies on you
We started out as friends
But the thought of you just caves me in
The symptoms are so deep
It is much too late to turn away
We started out as friends

Sign your name
Across my heart
I want you to be my baby
Sign your name
Across my heart
I want you to be my lady

Time I'm sure will bring
Disappointments in so many things
It seems to be the way
When your gambling cards on love you play
I'd rather be in Hell with you baby
Than in cool Heaven
It seems to be the way

Sign your name
Across my heart
I want you to be my baby
Sign your name
Across my heart
I want you to be my lady

Birds never look into the sun
Before the day is gone
But oh the light shines brighter
On a peaceful day
Stranger blue leave us alone
We don't want to deal with you
We'll shed our stains showering
In the room that makes the rain

All alone with you
Makes the butterflies in me arise
Slowly we make love
And the Earth rotates
To our dictates
Slowly we make love

Sign your name
Across my heart
I want you to be my baby
Sign your name
Across my heart
I want you to be my lady

Sign your name
Sign your name


Elliott Yamin - Moody's Mood for Love Lyrics

There I go, there I go, there I go
There I go...
Pretty baby, you are the soul who snaps my control
Such a funny thing but every time you're near me
I never can behave
You give me a smile and then I'm wrapped up in your magic
There's music all around me, crazy music
Music that keeps calling me so very close to you
Turns me your slave
Come and do with me any little thing you want to
Anything baby, just let me get next to you
Am I insane or do I really see heaven in your eyes?
Bright as stars that shine up above you in the clear blue skies
How I worry about you
Just can't live my life without you
Baby come here, don't have no fear
Oh, is there a wonder why
I'm really feeling in the mood for love?
So tell me why stop to think
About this weather, my dear?
This little dream might fade away
There I go talking out of my head again, oh baby

Won't you come and put our two hearts together?
That would make me strong and brave
Oh when we are one, I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid
If there's a cloud up above us
Go on and let it rain
I'm sure our love together will endure a hurricane
Oh my baby
Won't you please let me love you
And give a relief from this awful misery?

Oh pretty baby, you make me feel so good now
Let me take you by the hand
Come let us visit out there
In that new promised land
Maybe there we can find
A good place to use a loving state of mind
I'm so crazy mama
never knowing what love's about...
would you come on now you can blow now if you want to

We're through.


Elliott Yamin - You Are The One Lyrics

Sometimes i sit and i wonder
And i just can't seem to believe
What a blessing it's been to be loved
You're an angel sent to me

You're the star who lights up my sky
You're the one who made me see
That you don't need wings to fly
Your love has set me free

Cause you are the one who makes me whole
In my heart and in my soul
And just like the sun you showed me the light
I'm amazed and you're the reason why

Before you i was so blind
I didn't know which path to choose
You poured all of this love in my heart
And now there's no way that I can lose

And when i have no faith in myself
You're the one who makes me strong
I wouldn't have a story to tell
Or an ending to my song

Cause you are the one who makes me whole
In my heart and in my soul
And just like the sun you showed me the light
I'm amazed and you're the reason why

Oooohh you're the reason why
Oh ooooooooh

You are the one who makes me whole
In my heart and in my soul
Just like the sun you showed me the light
I'm amazed and you're the reason why

Cause you are the one who makes me whole
In my heart and in my soul
Just like the sun you showed me the light
I'm amazed and you're the reason why

You are the one who makes me whole
In my heart and in my soul
And just like the sun you showed me the light
I'm amazed and you're the reason why


Elliott Yamin - One Word Lyrics

I'm so into what you giving and it feel so good to me
You're beautiful and critical it's hard to live without you, baby
When I wake up in the morning all I want to see is you
Heaven's blessing that he sent me unconditional and true
Girl you mean the world to me and I hope you understand
I will give you anyhthing and I'll do the best I can to make you see what I see

One word
Is all I need to say exactly how I feel
One word
A single word that's from the heart and keep sit real
One word
And baby I know this one fits you to a tee
One word
All I can say is amazing

Always there when i was going through all kinds of changes
You kept me lifted, said I'm gifted and you know I'm gonna make it
So when you're tired and frustrated you can always count on me
Girl I love ya and I want ya to know I'll be all you need
Girl you gave the world to me and you made me understand
You would give me anything and you do the best you can
You are what I hope to be

One word
Is all I need to say exactly how I feel
One word
A single word that's from the heart and keeps it real
One word
And baby I know this one fits you to a tee
One word
All I can say is amazing

One Word
I just want to celebrate yo, baby
And thank the Lord for sending you down to me
And your love is the reason why I believe
You're amazing
So amazing
Just amazing to me

One word
One word
One word

One word
One word
One word

One word
One word
One word

All I can say is amazing

One word
Is all I need to say exactly how I feel
One word
A single word that's from the heart and keeps it real
One word
And baby I know this one fits you to a tee
One word
All I can say is amazing


Elliott Yamin -Train Wreck Lyrics

We're heading for a train wreck
I gotta be honest with you baby,
I knew it right from the start
Without knowing the cost to my soul
I paid for it with my heart.
They say to be careful what you wish
What you want and what do you need
Second thoughts have got me thinking over
Maybe we're in too deep

And I'm so helpless
What's the point of building up just to tear it all down
And I, should care less
But you know I just can't
I can't help wanting you around

Whatever we do
Better think it through
'Cause we're moving too fast
We are strangers
Heading for a train wreck
When it feels this good,
Gotta hurt so bad
This just can't last
We are strangers
Heading for a train wreck

And we're getting to the point of no return
'Cause baby when I give my heart,
There ain't no turning back
No it ain't
And I will live through lesser turns
So, I just can't sit around
Waiting for the love to burn

Whatever we do
Gotta think it through
'Cause we're moving too fast
We are strangers
Heading for a train wreck
When it feels this good,
Gotta hurt so bad
Baby, this just can't last
We are strangers
Heading for a train wreck

I gotta be honest with you baby,
I knew it right from the start
I guess all I knew
We were heading for a train wreck
Whatever we do
Strangers, heading for a train wreck


Elliott Yamin - Find A Way Lyrics

A child is born not knowing a thing
The pride and joy of momma's eyes
A teenage boy knows next to nothing
And yet he's called away to kill or die

The life we live for some is easy
And most of us just make it by
My mother worked so hard to feed me
It's a wonder how she never lost her mind

The rain is falling from the sky
It's getting harder to stay dry
They say that pride goes before a fall
Heaven help us all
If love don't find a way

I turned the news on just this morning
Proclaiming all things justified
If war is one side of the story
Does it make sense for us to choose a side?

And when the end comes God forgive me
For everything I've said and done
If living is the price to be free
Then I wish it was the same for everyone

Rain is falling from the sky
It's getting harder to stay dry
They say that pride goes before a fall
Heaven help us all
If love don't find a way


Oh, we've got to find a way
For everyone

They say that pride goes before a fall
Heaven help us all
If love don't find a way

Yeah, yeah
They say that pride goes before a fall
Heaven help us all
If love don't find a way



Elliott Yamin -Take My Breath Away Lyrics

Girl when you do what you do to me
Everything is the way it should be
You make me feel like I'm living a dream,

Tell me it's real
Cause I'm telling you
You take my breath away
I swear to you
You take my breath away

Girl I've been waiting for you all my life
I see my soul when I look in your eyes
You've taken me completely by surprise

Tell me it's real
Cause I'm telling you
You take my breath away
I swear to you
You take my breath away (Yes you do)
I'm speaking truths
You take my breath away
I swear to you
You take my breath away (Yes you do)

You don't have to promise me forever
All I'm asking you for is tonight
You need to take some time and see where this is going
Girl it feels so right when we hold each other tight

Woo Hoo

Oh Yeah

Tell me it's real
Cause I'm telling you
You take my breath away
I swear to you
You take my breath away
Honest you do
You take my breath away
I'm speaking truths
You take my breath away
I ain't lyin gto you
You take my breath away
I'm speaking truths
You take my breath away
I swear to you
You take my breath away
Honestly you do


Elliott Yamin - In Love With You Forever Lyrics

I'm gonna mind what my momma once told me
Don't fall in love if you can't fall all the way
She said go find yourself a dream girl give her every part of your world
JUst hold on tight and never let her slip away
And when I saw you that rainy nigh tin Cleveland
You lit me up like the sun lights up the moon
And that feeling I felt then
Every day it comes again
Yeah it feels my heart completely
You mean everything to me

And I'm in love with you forever
I'm in love with you forever
I'm in love with you forever till I die
We're always going to be together
I'm never gonna leave you never
I'm in love with you forever till I die
Rain or shine
I am yours, you are mine

My mind don't change with the weather
It will stand through the wind and the hurricanes
All around we can see love ain't all it used to be
But that just make my heart grow stronger
It just makes my love last longer

And I'm in love with you forever
I'm in love with you forever
I'm in love with you forever till I die
We're always going to be together
I'm never gonna leave you never
I'm in love with you forever till I die
Rain or shine
I am yours, you are mine

And you are mine, yeah
Cause you are mine, oh yeah
I said you are mine, ohhh

And I'm in love with you forever
I'm in love with you forever
I'm in love with you forever till I die
We're always going to be together
I'm never gonna leave you never
I'm in love with you forever till I die
And I'm in love with you forever
I'm in love with you forever
I'm in love with you forever till I die
I'm never gonna leave you never
Always going to be together
I'm in love with you forever till I die
Rain or shine
I am yours, you are mine

You are mine
You are mine
You are mine
You are mine
You are mine
You are mine


Elliott Yamin - Free Lyrics

[Verse 1]
Now that fear is out of the way
I'm starting to see myself so clear
Like a light shining into the night
Everybody has a day
When they're criticized for something
But hold on to what you believe

Tell me what you're hiding from
Everybody's on the run
Movin' so fast got to slow it down and breathe
Hold fast to your dreams
And don't be afraid to fly
Alone in the sky
When you do then

You'll be free
Nothing's impossible
Free (alright,alright)
You've achieved the unexplainable
I believe that miracles
Happen to those
Who refuse to be told
They can happen when we least expect
So we let ourselves be free


[Verse 2]
Every chance that we take
Is one less mistake we can make
Sometimes are blessings are in disguise
Look beyond what they say
It don't really matter what they see
As long as you can believe

Tell me what you're hiding from
Everybody's on the run
Moving so fast got to slow it down and breathe
Hold fast to your dreams
And don't be afraid to fly
Alone in the sky
When you do then

You'll be free
Nothing's impossible
Free (alright, alright)
You've achieved the unexplainable
I believe that miracles
Happen to those
Who refuse to be told
They can happen when we least expect
So we let ourselves be free

Oh oh

It's difficult to hold on
So easy to let go
And take the road that's least resistant
But you gotta be persistent
(I) lead and never follow
(I) don't wait for tomorrow
(I) got to do it today

Nothing's impossible
Free (alright, alright)
You've achieved the unexplainable
I believe that miracles
Happen to those
Who refuse to be told
They can happen when we least expect
So we let ourselves be free

Oh yeah
Oh yeah


Elliott Yamin - Let Your Heart Lead Lyrics

كلمات الأغنية

Ooh ooh
You seem preoccupied
I see it in your eyes
You've got that worried look again

You're thinking way too much
You're losing faith in us
I can tell your close to giving in

Don't keep trying to overanalyze
You're denying how you're feeling inside
Just this time before you make up your mind
Let your heart lead and maybe it'll find me

Baby it'll find me ooh

You tried to figure out
Why you have so many doubts
But now you're even more confused

Come here close to me
I wanna put your mind at ease
There's only one thing that I need you to do

Don't keep trying to overanalyze
You're denying how you're feeling inside
Just this time before you make up your mind
Let your heart lead and maybe it'll find me

Maybe it'll find me oh woh

Don't keep trying to overanalyze
You're denying how you're feeling inside
Just this time before you make up your mind
Let your heart lead and maybe it'll find me

Maybe it'll find me
Let your heart lead
And maybe it'll find me
Oh wooh oh


Elliott Yamin - I'll Make You Dance Lyrics

كلمات الأغنية

I can't help but noticin' you're fine as fine can be
And when you're out there on the floor
I wanna break my neck to see
Trying to control myself but it's hard as hard can be
I'm gonna make my way to you eventually
Cause baby

We can let the music play on
While we're waiting for a song you like
We can take it to the dance floor
Do whatever makes you feel alright

I'll make you dance
Dance all night
If you want me to
Just give me that chance
To make it right
We can find a grove
I'll make you dance
Dance all night

If you think I'm watching you
You're right as right can be
The way you move that thing around
It's a doggone sight to see
Can't stand to see you walk away
Sure love to watch you leave
Gonna have my way with you definitely

Cause baby we can let the music play on
While we're waiting for a song you like
We can take it to the dance floor
Do whatever makes you feel alright

Cause I'll make you dance
Dance all night
If you want me to
Just give me that chance
To make it right
We can find a grove

I'll make you dance
Dance all night
If you want me to
Just give me that chance
To make it right
We can find a grove

Baby if you wanna we can have a good time
Baby if you want it we can do it all night
Baby if you wanna we can have a good time
Baby if you want it we can do it

Cause I'll make you dance
Dance all night
If you want me to
Just give me that chance
To make it right
We can find a grove

I'll make you dance
Dance all night
If you want me to
Just give me that chance
To make it right
We can find a grove

I'll make you dance
Dance all night


Elliott Yamin - I'm The Man Lyrics

كلمات الأغنية

When I woke up with the sunlight and dreams echoing through my head
And I heard you breathing softly I remembered the things you said
There is no time, there is no place
That you would rather be
That the good times or hard times as long as you're here with me

Cause I'm the man who holds my ground
I'm the man who sticks around
I'm the man to hold you tight
I'm the man in love with you (with you)

When I lay down and the moon is bright at the end of a working day
Got a feeling I believe it and I won't let it slip away
There is no time, there is no place
That you would rather be
In the cruel world on a cold night as long you're here with me

I'm the man who holds my ground
I'm the man who sticks around
I'm the man to hold you tight
Cause I'm the man in love
And I'm the man to make it right
And I'm the man you kiss goodnight
I'm the man who won't let you down
Cause I'm the man in love with you (with you)

Cause it can't get much better
And all we have is time
As long as we're together
I know it's gonna be alright

Cause I'm the man who holds my ground
I'm the man who sticks around
I'm the man to hold you tight
Cause I'm the man in love with you
And I'm the man to make it right
And I'm the man you kiss goodnight
I'm the man who won't let you down
Cause I'm the man in love with you

With you
With you
In love with you


Elliott Yamin - Alright Lyrics

كلمات الاغنية

If you want something new maybe I got what you need
And if you just want to groove you can come get next to me
Well baby I'm tried and true what you get is what you see
We can do what you want to do cause I got no place to be

I said it's alright Yeah
We got all night Woah
I said it's alright Woah
We got all night Woah

I see you from across the room hot enough you could stop the beat
And people comin up to you but no one you care to meet
Something about the way you move is turning up the heat
Anything that you want to do, anywhere that you want to be

Saying it's alrighty Yeah
We got all night Woah
I said it's alright
Cause we got all night Woah

Girl you're so fine, make my temperature rise
And maybe for a minute we can indiscrimately dip out of sight
Ah, baby, you're so right, ah, baby
I can't get you out of that place in my mind
That makes a man crazy enough to do it all night (baby)
You're so fine

I said it's alright Yeah
We got all night Woah
I said it's alright Woah
We got all night Woah

All night Yeah
We got all night Woah
I said ti's alright Yeah
Cause we got all night Woah


Elliott Yamin - A Song For You Lyrics

كلمات الأغنية

I’ve been so many places in my life and time
I’ve sung a lot of songs, and I made some bad rhymes
I‘ve acted out my life on stages, with ten thousand people watching
But were alone now, and I’m singing this song to you.

I know your image of me is what I hope to be.
I’ve treated you unkindly, but darlin’ can’t you see.
There’s no one more important to me, baby can’t you see through me.
Cuz were alone now, and I’m singing this song to you

You taught me precious secrets, Of a true love, with holding nothing.
You came out in front when I was hiding.
But now I’m so much better, and if my words don’t come together
Listen to the melody, cuz my love is in there hiding

I love you in a place, where there’s no space or time.
I love you for my life, you’re a friend of mine
And when my life is over, remember, remember when we were together
We were alone and I was singing this song to you.

I love you in a place, where there’s no space or time.
Said I love you for my life, you’re a friend of mine.
And when my life is over, remember, remember when we were together
We were alone and I was singing this song to you.

We were alone and I was singing this song to you. [2x]
Singing this song to you.


Elliott Yamin - Believe Lyrics

كلمات الأغنية

You say that everything is over
I say that we can find a way
I'm here and you can think it over
I'll keep waiting, I'll keep waiting

I say there must be a solution
Some way that we can both agree
Why should it take a revolution
Just for you to talk to me

And it all comes down to what you think
Because one mind changes everything

And I believe
That breathing makes you free
And I believe
That love's our destiny
And I believe
In things I cannot see
Like faith and joy and peace and hope
And harmony

In my world we really aren't different
In your world we'll never be the same
I speak but you don't want to listen
It's easier to walk away

Slow down, wait another minute
Just once, let there be no blame
My world will always have you in it
That's one thing that time won't change

And you got to take that first hard step
There is a place and we're just not there yet

And I believe
That breathing makes you free
And I believe
That love's our destiny
And I believe
In things I cannot see
Like faith and joy and peace and hope
And harmony

We are one under the same stars
Born by the same sun
When will it be
Finally free

Oh, and I believe
That breathing makes you free
And I believe
That love's our destiny
And I believe
In things I cannot see
Like faith and joy and peace and hope
And harmony

And I believe
That breathing makes you free
And I believe
That love's our destiny
I believe
In things I cannot see
Like faith and joy and peace and hope
faith and joy and peace and hope
faith and joy and peace and hope
And harmony
Oh yeah

Peace and harmony


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